Phase I ESA Specialists:
Uncovering Environmental Risks
A Phase I ESA identifies recognized environmental conditions (RECs) that could affect a property's value, shedding light on past issues with chemicals or hazardous materials. This assessment safeguards both buyers and sellers during real estate transactions.
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Comprehensive Phase I ESA Solutions for Your Property
We specialize in Phase I ESA reports for real estate and business transactions like land and building purchases, leases, business acquisitions, new residential developments, and bank loans.
Our Phase I ESA reports strictly follow the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E-1527-21, complying with the Environmental Protection Agency All Appropriate Inquiries Rule (40 CFR Part 312).
Trust us for critical information to ensure informed decision-making and environmental compliance.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Details
Phase I ESAs, also known as property assessments, research and outline the current and historical uses of a property, an integral part of commercial real estate transactions. The reports evaluate potential threats to public safety and the environment from groundwater or soil under buildings.

Detecting issues in advance helps avoid liability problems for owners or lenders and prevents property value decrease. Completing a Phase I ESA before closing often meets CERCLA requirements. These assessments can be conducted for various property types, including multi-family residences, commercial buildings, industrial sites, agricultural properties, and vacant lots.
What Does a Phase I ESA Cover?
The process for a Phase I ESA can take about two weeks on a property with little history of development. However, in most cases, the review of reports can last for several weeks. On average, the total time for Phase I ESA is around 2 to 4 weeks.
When you have a Phase I ESA completed on your land, it will include several steps. First, the visit is made to the site. With that, the assessor can observe the current and past conditions of the property.
Review of Databases
After that, there is a review of federal, state, local, and tribal databases to find the locations of aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) or underground storage tanks (USTs). These tanks can lead to issues with hazardous substances leaching into the ground.
Examination of Serial Records
Once Review of Databases is completed, serial records are examined. Fire insurance maps, historical city directories, aerial photographs, and topographic maps are all inspected. Some local and state agency records could be reviewed as well.
Property Owners Interview
The current and past property owners, occupants, and others familiar with the property will be interviewed. There is also a review of the title and judicial records for any environmental liens that may have been placed against the property.
Common uses where Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) are found include:
Service stations
Manufacturing Facilities
Dry Cleaners
Industrial Sites
Oil and gas well drilling and production
Former agricultural crops
Other sites with releases of chemicals into the subsurface
What is performed in Phase I environmental Assessment by Lesova
    • Historical building permits review
    • Historical aerial photograph review
    • Historical sanborn fire insurance map review
    • Historical topo map review
    • Environmental agency file reviews
    • Review groundwater conditions
    • Government environmental database review
    • Inspection of property
    • Interview neighbors at abandoned properties
    • A detailed professional site plan
    • Digital photographs with descriptions
    • Owner/occupant questionnaire
    • Review of previous environmental reports
    • Inclusion of the statement of qualifications
    • Conclusions
    • Recommendations
Why Is the Phase I ESA Important?
This assessment is crucial because it protects the landowner’s liability, especially in those commercial real estate transactions. A well-prepared Phase I ESA is key to the due diligence process for the environment. Along with that, the report identifies any of those historical or present-day issues involving the site.

A Phase I ESA also identifies all those past uses that could make an impact on the site. For example, if the property was used for a gas station, dry cleaning business, or other industrial types, it significantly impacts the property’s environment. Some high-risk uses could affect the property for up to 40 years after the business vacated the property.

Hiring highly qualified environmental geologists, engineers, or scientists with extensive experience in conducting these studies is essential.
We understand the significance of having a comprehensive understanding of soil and groundwater science to draw accurate conclusions and provide relevant recommendations regarding potential environmental liabilities in the subsurface.
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